At our company, we firmly believe that gender equality is key to creating a more just and prosperous working environment. We are committed to eliminating gender disparities and providing equal opportunities and resources for all employees.
Our commitment to gender equality is reflected not only in words but also in our actions. Our culture encourages respect and equal treatment, and we offer equal advancement opportunities and career development support to every employee.
Gender equality is not only a value but also a strategic goal. We believe that by promoting gender equality, we can create a more dynamic and innovative workplace, offer broader development opportunities for our employees, and drive the company to greater achievements.
We will continue to focus on and assess our gender equality programs, striving to create an environment where every employee can realize their dreams. Gender equality is not only the company's responsibility but also our mission to build a better society. We thank all employees for their support and effort in moving towards a more equal and inclusive future.
Here are some key indicators of our efforts and achievements in this area:
The number of female employees is 205, accounting for 73% and continuing to grow. We believe that by offering equal opportunities, we can attract and retain women professionals with outstanding skills and potential. We focus on creating an inclusive and diverse work environment, enabling every employee to fully realize their potential.
In our management, women comprise 63%. We place high importance on promoting gender equality in leadership, considering it crucial for the company's long-term success. We encourage female employees to participate in leadership decisions and offer training and development opportunities to help them achieve their career goals.